Oh no, the top of the blog still has a very dated picture of our old house. I'll change that in a day or two.
Just to tide you over until I am sorted out enough to do a more detailed post about our move, I'm thinking about food this morning. About how much I've missed regular cooking and knowing what's on our plates. The night after we closed on the house we went out for dinner at a local place to celebrate. (We also had no kitchen pots, plates, silverware, etc even though we now had a kitchen). It must have been one of the most salty meals I've ever had. This morning, 1 1/2 days later my fingers are very swollen and yesterday we only ate simple sandwiches, carrots, fruit and yogurt from a Whole Foods quick shop. By evening I had found enough kitchen utensils to make spaghetti in a too small pot.
The blog
Beauty that Moves did a great post a week or so ago discussing the value and expense of feeding your family in a healthy way. She noted how even cooking whole foods from scratch most of the time can be expensive if you are choosing local, organic produce and dairy. Find the discussion and the interesting comments

I've done two quick Whole Foods shops for a few breakfast and lunch items over the last few days at a cost of over $30 each. I got bread, turkey, cheese, carrots, hummus, milk, yogurt, cherries, and a tomato. A local (VT ?) tomato was $3.99/lb. Beautiful looking heirloom tomatoes from California, $4.99/lb. Conventional plum tomatoes were $1.99/lb. I got 1 local it came to about $2 for a palm size tomato.
I am happy to report that the previous owners of the house left us some nearly ripe green beans and ripe raspberries (We missed ours in NJ.) The gardens also have large areas of thyme, rosemary, chives and other things I probably don't recognize. There are also grapes growing all over a stone wall.

I am looking forward to getting back into our food routine and adding more interesting grains and soups to our meals as the weather gets colder here in MA. I've seen signs around for Farmer's Markets on Saturday mornings. I can't wait. I'll also be looking around for a CSA for next year and local dairy delivery like I had in NJ.