Well, by that April, he was commuting from NJ to MA during the week. By June we had sold our old house. We moved into a new one in July. The kids started at new schools in September. Everything was unknown. I got a GPS so I wouldn't get lost all the time.
The best thing about this year is that finally, after 2 1/2 years, I've learned my way around. This now feels like home. In many ways, the move from NJ to MA now feels like one of the luckiest and best opportunities we could have had. With a passion for this place, I set out to learn more about its natural and historical attributes.
Here are some of this year's highlights:
Pod Meadow: a little jewel in our town landscaped by beavers
Heard Reservation: another local gem with a revitalized orchard and some old trees too
World's End
Ward Reservation, Massachusetts' mini Stonehenge
Arnold Arboretum: It has a bonsai collection with specimens older than the United States and a vine collection. Every month they also put out a letterbox that teaches about a certain kind of tree.
Harbor Island National Park
A little farther afield we discovered:
The Udvar-Hazy Center of the Smithsonian and
New York City's High Line: note the new Frank Gehry building at the top left.

I look forward to exploring both close to home and farther afield next year. We're planning a trip out West next summer.