The boxes are packed. They left the beds to pack this morning so we slept as if we were still living in this home, but trying to navigate around in my early AM wanderings was a challenge. But I managed to put in a last load of laundry at 5:30. Movers will be here with what I can only imagine will be the biggest truck I've ever seen. Jack counted more than 150 boxes and stopped counting.
I realized from this photo that Renee's favorite doll is packed. I hope she doesn't realize it. Perhaps she's outgrown it though it's been in her bed alys. It will probably be back once we're in the new house. We'll see.

Jack's room is finally very neat. He even nailed on the back of his night table which has been loose for years.

And the main floor. It looks so plain with all the personal touches removed. But much better than when we moved in. I do love the wall papers, the beautiful floors... What will be my favorite things in the new house?
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