Memorial Day weekend contains all the conflict and gray areas of our complex lives today. We march in parades and head to cemetery memorials to commemorate fallen soldiers. Then we head to barbecues to relax and have fun even while wars continue and new troubles among Israel and Turkey over Gaza threaten more. Drone attacks kill yet another Al Kaeda #2. Do we get closer to security or create more jihadists (terrorists)? We drive to the shore and perpetuate the need for oil that is poisoning the creature in the Gulf of Mexico.
It is a rare moment now when I can stop the angst in my heart regarding the problems of the world. I am constantly trying to think of ways to make my life less impactful. Yet the problems only grow. The currents of the world seem to be flowing ever closer to disaster.
Our recent efforts to green our lives include:
the new compost container I built from scrap wood

My husband and son installed a 2 cycle flusher in one of our old toilets that allows for very small flush for liquids and a stronger flow for solids.
Our CSA from
Siena Farms begins this week. Hooray. And I purchased fresh spinach from
Mainstone Farm across the street from our house. Yum. They sell their own organic produce and grass fed beef.

And yes we did have some fun at a friends' bbq. They had a terrific new swing and some balls to juggle.

is he a seasoned juggler or just learning? i love what you wrote here. thank you for putting it all out there. your thoughts are my thoughts here in this post. it's all such a confusing contradiction. all of it. and yet without the joy and the celebration it is all pain. love u.
That does look like it will keep your compost neater. Anything that will help keep it decomposing, right?
H: He's just learning. There's a club at his school. There's a unicycle club too. Weird.
M: Yes before I just had it in a messy pile and it kept spilling farther and farther. I like the one you made with 2 sections. Perhaps, I'll add onto mine eventually. When I transferred the old pile to the container, I uncovered a nest of baby mice.
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