As always, I continue to write and make art for myself. I think lots of people on the internet are in the murky twilight of loving to do art, but not really having anyone to share it with. So I continue to share here and hope for the comments and support of others. Recently, I joined a flicker group 365 Somethings. It grew out of a challenge on the ihanna blog.
I don't want to commit myself to 365 works, but I'm willing to commit to at least one per week (52 collages). Above is the first one. It uses as it's center a picture of a french subway entrance that I cut out of a magazine years ago and have been meaning to do something with before it gets torn, wrinkled or thrown away by accident. I set the picture before me and went through a stack of paper scraps until I found colors or shapes that echoed the colors or theme. I wanted to highlight that it was Paris, thus the golden skyline, and emphasize the gorgeous copper color of the walls and the curving ironwork. It looks a bit busy here, I think. Maybe, my attraction here wasn't the photo as much as wanting to be in a city where even the subway entrances are entrancing.
Below is a photo of three collages that I did last fall in progress. They have painted backgrounds, lusty or lively ladies and coordinated edges. The finished products are hanging inside my kitchen cabinets and remind me to be bold or silly, or just make me smile.
1 comment:
What fun to work in a library. I would probably have a hard time concentrating on "working" because I would walk around reading titles all the time... :-)
Glad you got inspired to take on this challenge! Good luck and enjoy1
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