Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May Update

I've been a bit unmotivated to write extensive posts but here's a little review of what I'm doing now and have been busy with this month:

I've performed twice with the Hip Hop Mamas. Here's an older video of the group. I haven't found one of this year's dance yet:

I've been directing and playing in our church bell choir which performed 2 songs along with accompanying instruments and singing in last Saturday night's amazing Music in May celebration. We performed Blue Boat Home and the hymn How Can I Keep from Singing. I'll get some video of these up eventually.

Renee has been performing too. I've been busy ferrying her and her friend to tap class and rehearsal. Very cute.


Jack has been sailing at least 4 afternoons a week and sometimes on weekends. But the boats have to be out of the public park lake for Memorial Day, so he'll be catching up on his studies soon.


Listening to: CDs of Alan Bennett's "The Uncommon Reader". This is wonderful in print and on audio. It is a fictional novella exploring how a love of reading would have affected Queen Elizabeth's inner life and experience of her duties.

Waiting for: sun. Now that I'm drying clothes on the outdoor line, I am enjoying the rhythm of hanging and taking down laundry based on the weather.

Cooking: making many salads, vegetable stews and stirfrys. I've gained some weight extending winter's comfort foods far into the spring. But I've been newly inspired by rereading Joel Fuhrman's "Eat to Live". It emphasizes eating to maximize nutrients per calorie.  The nearby farm stand is open on weekends selling primarily greens. Our vegetable share will begin in just a couple weeks. I can't wait!