Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Boston Strong, Boston Just

This is not my photo, taken from the web. Thank you unknown photographer.

Here's a quote from a comment on a New York Times article today that described the hospital-room hearing for the suspected bomber of the Boston Marathon.
"When I read the words of those who are upset that this man is getting his rights, after what he did, I remember President John Adams, of Massachusetts, who as a young lawyer came forward to represent the British soldiers accused in the Boston Massacre. He was reviled for doing that, but he believed in the principle of a fair trial for anyone, ANYONE, accused of a crime, ANY CRIME. He believed that kind of society was possible but it had to be made to happen. No one's rights are safe if anyone's rights are taken away. Yes, I am a liberal, and I grew up in the South, where I saw lots of people having their rights taken away by people who were sure they deserved being treated differently. I'm old now, I've seen a lot of hate and damage done by people doing really bad things, and still I feel proud of those who have stood for justice for ALL."
I am so sorry for the lost life, for the lost limbs, for the fear and unsettling of our city and state and country. But I'm also so proud of those in our state and elsewhere who hold the values of justice, human rights, and compassion above revenge, hate and xenophobia.

Also, I am pleased that there are others who point out what feels so obvious to me:

from another NYT commenter:
"Why is a bomb a weapon of mass destruction, but not an AR-15? Three people died from two bombs, but one gun killed 16 in Aurora or 26 in Newtown. Why is one terrorism and one "only" mass murder?"
I see facebook posts (jokes?) that Sarah Palin has called for an invasion of Chechnya. I know that Senators--those charged with upholding the Constitution--are calling for this young deluded man (a citizen) to be tried by a military court. I can't even imagine the stereotyping and hate being spewed on right-wing talk radio.

I'm not sure where the compromise will come from to heal our fractured nation. People have been fighting for justice for so long, yet a land of love and justice seems so far away. Sometimes it helps to listen to a voice of power and peace, Richie Havens. So sorry for this loss.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Healing Garden

I've turned off yet another press conference about the Boston Marathon bombing to write this post. The authorities are reporting on the condition of the captured suspect, the items found in the related searches of the suspects' home, and the opening of the damaged area to businesses and residents.

Things are returning to a new normal. And while we were distracted by horror and pain, while we were awed by the heroics of law enforcement and doctors and average citizens, spring arrived.

As if by magic a week after the tragedy, flowers are blooming, herbs are sprouting, and I have escaped to the garden to sow hope for the future.

When we moved here almost 4 years ago, the gardens were lovely, but mostly ornamental. I'm adding more edible plants to the mix as time goes on.

Emerging rhubarb and green onions have gotten a nice layer of salt hay mulch.

Three new blueberry plants and some strawberry plants occupy a bed that previously held flowers.

J and I dug a 40 foot trench this past week for this new asparagus bed.

R waters the new plants in a raised strawberry bed.

Vinca has overwhelmed the raspberry patch. We've been pulling and digging it out, then replanting errant raspberries in more organized rows.

The events of the past week  give us a renewed appreciation of the beauty of life sprouting from the Earth and on our children's faces. Perhaps nothing is more lovely than the mixing of sweet and bittersweet.