We've just gotten back from the annual Ross party in honor of Ross Getchell, a fraternity brother of Doug's who died of brain cancer in 2001. After a few sad reunions, the fraternity brothers and other close friends decided to create an annual celebration of Ross and friendship. It's still going 11 years later. Most of the credit goes to our wonderful hosts Paul and Kristen who open their home every year for dozens of people over a couple days.
Paul and Kristen don't get nearly enough appreciation for their hospitality. |
Many guests bring salads, bagels, chips and snacks of all sorts year after year. Kristen manages all the meals and makes her terrific gazpacho. Abbe's giant cookies are a BIG hit too.
The beautiful thing about this type of event is that the adults get to see and catch up with friends who knew them back when. Everyone can let loose, listen to music they still love, and let the cares of adulthood fade away for a few days. Such relaxation can lead to long, deep conversation and wild dancing!
There's live music.The band that comes each year with a set of musicians that vary just a bit, is headed by a guy who led a band the brothers used to go see in college. This year Gwen returned. She can channel Janis Joplin. And when the band does "City of New Orleans," everyone sings along.
Over all these years we've also watched everyone's children grow up. They've been friends for years. Now they can put up the tents themselves. They cherish seeing each other each year. The photos of Renee and P are from 2009 and this year.
It's always a weekend of crazy fun whatever the weather. Some years it's been horribly hot and humid, some years (like this one), it rains buckets. And occasionally, the weather is perfect. But even when it rains there's fun in clearing water from the tent and jumping in puddles.
The Ross weekend also makes for great family time.
The Ross Party is one of the definite highlights of our year... every year. And each year it gets more and more special. Not only do we get to hang out with a group of smart, generous, kind people, but our memories and care of each other grow and grow. Ross has created a great legacy full of smiles, laughter and love.