I look at a long list of artistic blogs. One that inspires me a lot is Susan Kapuscinski Gaylord's
Making Books Blog. She was discussing a trip she took to a museum in NYC to see
Jung's Red Book. She gave a beautiful description and linked to websites showing the book which Jung worked on intensely filling pages and pages with intricate calligraphy and drawings of his most secret dreams and visions. Follow the links especially to the Rubin Museum where you can see detailed pictures of this
art journal extraordinaire.
I wanted to take an artistic adventure too, and a sidebar on Susan's blog pointed me toward an exhibit of paper art where some of her books were displayed. It was only 45 minutes away at the
Wenham Museum. Her spirit books were displayed in an exhibit called Paper Capers. Here are some of the other works:
A up-close of quilling. I love how the medium fits the work with the rolled papers mimicking the feathers.

Here's an amazing paper collage where shadow and changing depth deepen the monochrome image.

A cut and torn paper collage:

Along with these contemporary works were examples from the museum's collection of old valentines, paper dolls, and more including this remarkable cut heart.

Wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day. This weekend is also my 17th anniversary.
Thanks for the interesting post and great pictures. I'd love to visit the Wenham to see the paper exhibit. I featured Sandra White, who did the bird, on my quilling blog, if you'd like to see more of her designs. So nice to see her work in a museum!
i am so fascinated by carl jung. your posts are just so up my alley these days! i love it! i had no idea he was a visual artist too. his drawings/paintings are incredible!! i once did a therapy session where i met a dragon, who became a great friend, and he told me his name was gustav. i've always felt like he was somehow linked to jung.
Thank you Ann for finding my blog. I checked yours out and loved your quilled Valentine heart.
Heather, perhaps we are both hungry for stimulation and complexity in our inner life. Parenting can be tough. I find myself trying so hard (and often failing) to be patient and a good example. Parenting often seems at odds with my naturally explosive, passionate nature.
I was so impress with this art and I can't wait to see more of your work.Very stunning!Inkjet Paper
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